Queer bent bastard

“Okay then…Mom,” he responded with a little blush.

“Mom’s been baking again,” I said as I took his hand and led him into the kitchen.

“Do you like coffee? Or would you prefer tea or a soft drink?” Mom asked.

“Coffee sounds great, thanks,” Kyle replied.

We spent the next hour sipping coffee and munching on a variety of Mom’s baking. Kyle complemented her a number of times about how good her baking was. He even made her blush once. We chatted about all sorts of things, from how we met, whether he liked school, what his career plans were, and so and so on. Mom was true to her promise and didn’t embarrass me or Kyle. We began to run out of conversation topics, so I invited Kyle down to see my room. After checking things out, we flopped back on my bed and spent a considerable amount of time just cuddling and making out. At about five-thirty, Mom tapped on my door and asked if Kyle wanted to stay for dinner. He replied that he would love to, but needed to phone his aunt first, which he did.

After dinner, we went back to his place and spent a couple of hours in the pool and lying around the patio, chatting with Kent and Jamie. Somewhere in there, Kent and Kyle convinced me that I should come back to school, so at ten, we decided to call it a night. Kyle drove me home and we spent fifteen minutes saying good night. As I watched him drive off, I thought about how much had happened over the last week. I had lost my best friend of six years and I knew I was going to miss him terribly, but I had made some great new friends who accepted me and cared about me. And, above all else, I had a boyfriend. Not just any boyfriend, but I had Kyle. Kyle, who I’d had a crush on for months. I couldn’t help but grin and do a little happy dance on the front steps as I opened the door and went inside. All-in-all, life was good.

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