Queer bent bastard

“You guessed it,” I said with a laugh.

“Can you give me half an hour? I’m still running around in my boxers,” he asked.

“Hmm. Maybe I should come over there,” I said, laughing.

“Hmm. Maybe not. I’ll see you in half an hour,” he responded.

“Okay, half an hour then,” I said.

We both said goodbye and the first thing I did was turn to Mom and beg her not to embarrass me or say anything about his past that might upset him. She gave me her word that she would be nice. Within half an hour, Kyle was pulling up in front of the house. It looked like he had his Aunt’s car, a fairly new silver BMW, something that impressed my mom. I met him at the door and gave him a quick kiss as I invited him in, something that also didn’t go unnoticed by my mom.

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“Mom, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Kyle,” I announced with a big grin.

“Pleased to meet you Mrs. Bryson,” Kyle said as he reached out his hand towards Mom.

“I’m very pleased to meet you too,” Mom replied as she took his hand and then pulled him into a little hug. “And you can call me Carol or Mom. Mrs. Bryson is a little formal, don’t you think?”