Queer bent bastard

“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “If nothing else, it taught me to be more aware of other people and what’s going on when I’m driving.”

Just then, my mom appeared. “Would you like to come in? I just made some fresh coffee and apple crisp,” she said, smiling.

“Sounds great. Yeah, I’d like that,” he said.

“I’m Carol, by the way. It was very good of you to stop by to see how Chad’s doing,” Mom said to him as we walked to the kitchen.

“Kent, pleased to meet you,” he replied. “I had to be sure he was okay.”

Mom poured him a coffee and gave him a huge piece of apple crisp before announcing that she would leave us alone to chat, as she had to run to the store for some milk and eggs.

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As soon as Mom was gone, Kent said, “I heard about what went down at school this morning. No one should have to deal with shit like that, man. Especially from a friend.”

“Thanks, yeah, that’s kinda why I wasn’t paying attention and why I stepped in front of you,” I replied.

“Yeah, I kinda figured that when I started to hear all the gossip,” he said.