Queer bent bastard

“What’s wrong? What happened? Where did Jason go? Did you two have a fight? Baby, what’s wrong?” she asked.

I didn’t know what to do. I just told my best friend of six years I was gay and he had walked out of my life. I couldn’t risk telling my mother and lose her too.

“Jason just left,” I finally choked out.

“I know that,” Mom responded, “but why? And why are you in such a state?”

“I can’t tell you,” I replied.

“Why on earth not?” she asked.

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“Because I’ll lose you too,” I said.

“There is nothing you could say that would cause you to lose me,” she stated. “I’m your mother and I love you. Nothing is ever going to change that.”

“Don’t be so sure,” I said.

“Chad Matthew Bryson!” she exclaimed. “Nothing will ever change how much I love you. Nothing!”

I looked up into her eyes, which at this point were also filled with tears, and whispered, “But I’m gay, Mom.”

A soon as the words left my mouth, she smiled and pulled me into the tightest, warmest hug I think I have ever felt. I immediately started crying again, this time from relief, and Mom cried with me. After a while, Mom released her hug and pulled back.