A question caught me by surprise-1

“So, what’s the deal with you and your sister?”

The question caught me by surprise, enough so that what promised to be a
perfectly executed head shot ended with my character being fragged by a tank

“What do you mean?” I asked. I hadn’t the faintest clue what Nick was
talking about.

“I dunno,” Nick replied. “You guys seem really…close, that’s all.”

“Well, we are twins,” I said sarcastically, annoyed that this seemingly
inane line of questioning had cost me the lead.

“I mean really close. Like, freaky close,” Nick continued.

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“Yeah, no idea what you’re talking about dude.” Nick was a good friend,
but he could be a little thick sometimes, especially when it came to the
opposite sex. My sister was no exception.

Speak of the devil and she shall appear. My eminently more studious
twin entered our apartment, carrying an armful of books. What possessed
her to take eighteen hours in one semester was beyond me, but she seemed to
be balancing her course load effectively, although her social life was
virtually non-existent, outside of hanging out with me.