A question caught me by surprise-1

“You live together. You hang out all the time. You’re all lovey-dovey
with each other. You act like you’re, you know, together,” Nick explained.

I was starting to get annoyed. “Look, me and Jen are tight, ok? We’ve
been each other’s best friend our whole lives. It doesn’t mean anything
weird is going on between us.”

“I’m just saying, when people see you in public together, people that
don’t know you, they think you’re a couple. And that’s pretty fuckin’
weird,” Nick insisted.

My patience finally ran out. “Whatever dude,” I said dismissively. “As
much as I appreciate your incestuous implications, I too have a mid-term in
the morning and I intend to at least show up for it.”

He took the hint. “Later man,” he said as he made his way to the door.


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I continued to play for another hour or so alone after Nick left, but I
was still distracted by our earlier conversation. Nick wasn’t exactly a
social butterfly or anything, so if he was picking some kind of weird vibe
between me and my twin, there was a good chance other people were as well.
Eventually I called it quits and went to bed.