A question caught me by surprise-1

The one thing I had going for me was that Jennifer was still fast
asleep. I quickly and quietly withdrew from the quasi-incestuous embrace
and made my way to the bathroom to take care of business, cursing the fact
that I’d accidentally gotten to second base with my twin sister. Talk
about inappropriate.

When I emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, I was greeted by a
yawning stretching Jennifer, dressed in her usual sleep attire, which
consisted of panties and one of my old t-shirts. Apparently this
particular shirt had shrunk considerably in the laundry, because as my
sister stretched, the fabric of the shirt slid up her legs, exposing she
sheer material of her underwear.

Yep. Definitely inappropriate.

Luckily, Jennifer either had no recollection of our awkward morning
embrace or had simply decided not to mention it. Either way, I was spared
considerable embarrassment. I mulled over my predicament as I sat in class
that morning, eager to find a way to mitigate my unnatural desires without
hurting my sister’s feelings.