A question caught me by surprise-1

sleep eluded me for the next several hours. Nick’s words kept echoing
my head, and hard as I tried to ignore the implications, there was a cold
logic behind his words. Perception is everything and even if nothing
inappropriate was going on between me and my sister, the mere appearance of
it could have lasting implications. It would explain my non-existent
dating streak.

I didn’t open my eyes when I heard my bedroom door creak open. Jennifer
would sneak into my room all the time when we were kids, a habit that
continued to manifest into adulthood. I thought nothing of it before,
happily enjoying the warmth and intimacy of the ritual. But as I felt the
bed shift as Jennifer sat down on her side, I realized that this was
exactly the sort of thing Nick was talking about.

“Move over,” she ordered, poking me in the back.

“You do you realize that you have your own bed, right?” I asked

“Yours is more comfortable,” Jennifer replied.

“They’re exactly the same.”

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“Well, I like sleeping with you,” she said. As if to stress the point,
Jennifer reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers. At that point, I
gave up on sleep entirely.