A question caught me by surprise-3

“Thanks for your help by the way,” she muttered after stewing for
several minutes.

“You’re…welcome?” I offered. Wrong answer.

“Look, maybe you don’t care that she just waltzed up to us dressed like
some cheap whore, but the least you could do is actually stand up for me
when I’m being insulted right to my face,” Vicky demanded.

I bit my lip, holding back a vicious and poorly thought out defense of
my sister’s honor, mindful that neither of them were in the right in that
exchange. “She’s not a whore,” I muttered. I couldn’t help myself.

“See! That, right there! No matter what it is, you always take her
side! I’m sick of coming second to your sister Jack!” Vicky shouted.

We were starting to attract a crowd. Apparently people were still sober
enough to take an interest in our squabble. I spotted my sister toward the
back of the horde. She slipped her way past it and grabbed me by the hand,
as if she was trying to rescue me.

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“We need to talk,” she muttered as she started to pull me away.