A question caught me by surprise-3

This slight and others didn’t go unnoticed by Jennifer, and what started
as a quasi-amicable rivalry between the two women escalated to the point of
outright contempt, with Vicky getting the upper hand at every turn. Things
were coming to a head.

By some small miracle, Nick and I were invited to a genuine college
party by some guy named Dave. Nick was given a laundry list of alcohol to
provide in exchange for his admission, while my sole instructions were to,
“make sure that fine-ass sister of yours shows up.” As much as I despised
the notion of Dave or any other drunken frat boy piece of shit even
touching my sister, I thought that socializing with our peers might do us
all some good.

The atmosphere in the Vicky’s dorm room had grown suffocating since
Jen’s departure. Michelle was never the most social person, even by our
standards, but now she rarely looked up from her computer. Nick and I were
forbidden from Halo, Madden, and all other forms of digital distraction
when Vicky was in the room, which was goddamn always. Ryan and I had even
less to say to one another now that our jam sessions had come to an end.
As for Vicky, I honestly kind of hated her.