A question caught me by surprise-3

Shit, she caught me staring. The last thing I needed in a public venue.
She seemed please though, almost smug. I tried to regain my composure with
a joke.

“Mug a tween for that get-up?” I asked sarcastically, making a mental
note not to state at my sister’s cleavage.

“I know, right?” she agreed. “I’m practically spilling out of this
thing. They just don’t make a decent dress anymore for a girl with tits. I
was going for Breakfast at Tiffany’s, not Girls Gone Wild.”

“You look beautiful Jen.” I whispered softly. She smiled brightly at
me, a warm genuine smile miles away from stone silent sister I’d failed to
grow accustomed to. Naturally that was Vicky’s cue to fuck it up.

“Jennifer, nice to see you as always,” Victoria said diplomatically.

“Vicky,” Jen replied stiffly.

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“I love your dress. I bet you’ll get plenty of attention wearing that,”
Vicky said, her eyes glancing down at Jennifer’s ample breasts. I never
cease to be amazed at a woman’s ability to mask an insult with a