Wrestling my stepsister

So we squared off, just like usual, me in my t-shirt and gym shorts, her in tank top and sweats, and we went at it. She had been exercising, and her arms and legs were slippery with sweat. I had a hard time holding on to her. Then when I was on top of her, she suddenly faked a knee at my groin. I instinctively folded up, and she grabbed my arm and forced y face into the carpet. when I reaized her trick, I twisted and used my arms to break her hold, but as I did that, her hand shot down and grabbed my balls. I shouted in frustration and tapped the ground, submitting. She got up and did her victory dance as I lifted myself dejectedly off the floor.

“OK,” she said, “Spread your legs and put your hands on your head.”

“Are you sure?” I protested.

She just waved her finger. “Spread your legs, dude, a deal is a deal.”

I sighed, bracing myself for some pain, and did as she said. She walked over to me, and asked, “Are you ready?”

“Just get it over with,” I sighed, wincing with anticipation.

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She reached back and swung her palm into my nuts. It was a pretty hard whack, and I groaned and immediately held myself. Slowly, I crumpled to my knees. Amy stood in front of me with cocked hips and a satisfied smirk. Then she reached over and shoved me onto the ground. I decided to stay there. Then, as she had after our first match, she grabbed my shorts and hauled them off of me, leaving me bare-butt and clutching my nuts.