Wrestling my stepsister

We got bored of just making each other walk around bare-butt, and started making each other do embarrassing forfeits. It started with things like cartwheels and jumping jacks, then we started making each other do dares, like doing a lap around the house bottomless. Once a guy jogging saw her do that, and once an old lady saw me. Fairly embarrassing, but good motivation to win the next match.

After the jogger saw Amy, she was pissed.

“It’s much worse for a girl to be seen naked than a guy,” she declared. “This is not fair.”

“Life isn’t fair,” I teased. “You got a better idea?”

“How about if I win, I get to hit you in the balls!” she challenged.

I instinctively bent over a little. “Whaaaaat?” I yelled. “No way!”

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“Not hard,” she protested. “Just like, a slap. OK? Just a slap.”

“What do I get if I win?” I asked warily.

“I’ll go completely naked,” she offered.

I shook my head. “Seen it already.”

She thought for a moment.

“And I’ll give you a back massage.”

“Deal,” I said, grinning. If it really came down to it, I knew I could beat her.