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Know how one month of separation from son turned into sex

That night, I had worn a thin nightgown, without a bra or panties. My nipples and clitoris were clearly visible. My hair was loose, and my face glowed from the facial I had done that day. When he entered, my son started crying and hugged me again. I held him close to my chest, caressing his back and whispering words of comfort. Motherly instincts took over. But as they say, when a son grows up, even a mother needs to think twice before embracing him like this.

I was lost in the moment, consumed by motherhood and my own body. The thin clothes I wore that day didn’t help either. In such attire, any man, regardless of his relationship with the woman, would be tempted. And that’s exactly what happened. “Come,” I said, “Let’s wash your hands and feet. I’ll get you something to eat.” He refused, saying he had already eaten on the train and wasn’t hungry.

He changed into his pajamas, and it was time for bed. “Shall I make your bed?” I asked. “No,” he replied, “I want to sleep with my mother tonight. I’m only here for a week.” I couldn’t refuse him. “Alright,” I said, “Let me change first.” He held my hand and said, “No, you look beautiful just like this. You look hot.”