No sermon while on this month

Joan and I have been married for more than twenty years. Our love life is still maturing. Other than acting out and verbalizing our respective fantasies, we have remained mutually exclusive. I think that a threesome with the right other man involved would be something that Joan would find habit-forming. She claims this is something that she would never do, but becomes aroused in our lovemaking by the idea of fucking a former lover, fucking someone we both know who she finds attractive or, most of all, fucking someone with a big thick dick, black or white.

Joan still communicates by email, cards, and telephone with some of her past lovers. Some of these men were her favorite fucks immediately before me and others are from college. One, Peter, who dates back to high school, never fucked or even made out with Joan. However, both of them have a lingering crush on each other. They both went to high school in New York State. I have never met Peter nor has Joan seen him since high school. Peter lives in the Midwest. He recently telephoned when Joan was out to inform her that he was coming through our State next week. I told them that we would be camping at the Coast, a couple of hours away, and invited him to meet us there. He accepted and asked that we surprise Joan.