A question caught me by surprise-2

Only it wasn’t and Jennifer just kept staring at me. “Jen, what are we
doing?” I asked hoarsely.

“I don’t know,” she whispered, and I realized that she’s just as
desperate and confused as I am. “We didn’t do anything wrong,” she says
tentatively, as if she’s trying to convince the both of us. “It’s not like
we’re hurting anyone. We should be able to have…moments like this.”

Vicky would probably disagree, but Vicky’s the furthest thing from my
mind right now. We untangled ourselves from one another and sat up against
the wall, staring at nothing in particular.

“Jennifer, this is,” I stammered as I looked down at the carpet, unable
to say the word, “people have a word for this.”

“I know that,” she gritted, suddenly angry. “That’s not…that’s not
what this is.” Her shoulders sank and she closed her eyes. “I don’t know
what this is. All I know right now is that I love you.”

She sat there quietly, waiting for me to say something, anything. I’d
never seen her look so vulnerable. I wanted to say, “I love you too,” but
I knew what would follow if I did, and as much as I wanted it I was
terrified of what it would mean. It didn’t help that my damn phone kept on
ringing, beckoning me to make a choice.

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