A question caught me by surprise-2

Still, we weren’t exactly one big happy f****y. Michelle seemed to
simply tolerate the presence of anyone other than Vicky or myself. Nick
began making fumbling, half-hearted attempts to flirt with my sister, who
remained steadfastly and deliberately oblivious to it. Ryan and I could
never come up with a damn thing to say to one another other than “One, two,
three four,” and Vicky and Jennifer’s relationship quickly soured to the
point where they were just shy of openly hostile toward one another.

The biggest challenge was the fact that for some reason, I became the de
facto leader of our modest crowd, mainly because I was the only one that
had at least one positive association with each of its members. Naturally,
I got to hear all of the bitching.

“Why do you two insist on fornicating in my dorm room? Don’t you have
an apartment?” Michelle grumbled.

“Do you have to do that here? In our apartment. On our couch? Can’t
you guys exchange fluids at her place?” Jennifer protested.

“I don’t know what her problem is. I’ve never been anything but nice to
her, but she acts like I’m not good enough for you or something. She
really needs to get her own life.” Vicky whined.