VIPs in bondage – Two

As he closed the doors behind him Beyonce took in the hallway, it was poorly lit but oozed elegance and riches, reminding her of all the mansions she had seen Hollywood movies. Without speaking the butler managed to thrust a card into he hand. Confused, she opened it and read.

“Well done Bee, I knew you would come. I know how much you enjoyed our last meeting and can promise even greater things if you give yourself to me completely. I will be with you presently, however, in the meantime I want you to give your case to Jenks (the butler) then I want you to strip naked and give your clothes to him. Once you have done that he will give you further instructions. Mistress M.x.”

The butler stood stock still in front of her awaiting her next movement. Beyonce swallowed and made up her mind to go through with it, she had come this far and besides last time had been so exciting and enlightening for her. She handed over her suitcase and watched aghast as he took it and threw it carelessly into a side cupboard and stood impatiently waiting her next move. Feeling pressured and flustered under his cold, hard stare Beyonce nonetheless stripped off her thick jumper and jeans and shoes, leaving her standing before him in just a tiny black bra and panties. Holding her discarded clothes he tapped his foot impatiently waiting for her to finish her undressing. So she reached behind her back and unlatched her bra clasp and let it slide down her arms and shyly handed it over to the butler. He took it impassively and awaited the final garment. Giving a little sniff, and feeling embarrassed to be nude before this man she had never met before she hooked her hands into the sides of the panties and slid them down her legs and stepped out of them before handing them over. Jenks flung the pile of clothes into the cupboard and came back over with a small box. He dropped it on the ground in front of the naked figure of the diva and spoke harshly to her.