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The Baba’s Touch

My in-laws are very superstitious and often visit fake gurus and their disciples. They have brought me many “prasad” (blessed food) claiming it will help me conceive. But I don’t trust them. One day, my mother-in-law told me, “Come with me; the baba has called for you and said that he can definitely make you pregnant.”

I never believed in these fake gurus, but under pressure from my in-laws, I had to go see this one. I thought, let’s see what kind of power this baba possesses. The next day, I went to his temple. When I arrived, some of his disciples took me and my mother-in-law inside. There was a baba sitting inside. My mother-in-law bowed to him and asked me to do the same. I didn’t want to, but I had no choice. My mother-in-law said, “Baba ji, this is my daughter-in-law who can’t conceive.” The baba replied, “Don’t worry, now that she has come to my shelter, she will definitely have a baby.”

After some time, the baba called me over to give me prasad. As I went towards him, he was caressing my hands and placing his hand on my shoulder while giving me the prasad. He said, “Don’t worry, you will have a baby soon.” It felt like the baba was trying to touch my hands and shoulders as if to comfort me. But I walked away quickly.