Elizabeth will do anything to be popular

Scarlett Kent and I have gone to school together since i was 5. But she was popular and ditched me for the “cool group”. One coolish Friday night I was walking home from visiting the super market when I fell over a dent in the pavement. A tall figure catches me holding me close before standing up and placing me on my feet. He went back in the shadows and I got a decent look at his face it was Greg from school. I got home and decided to call him to say thanks
” hi”
Um thanks for saving my ass today
Your welcome

Then I heard a girl who sounded just like Scarlett yell who are you talking to he said no one.

Hi Scarlett
Elizabeth Taylor seriously why are you talking to my man
Thanking him from saving me
Ugg do you like my boyfriend Elizabeth
Yes I guess
Would you like to join are group Elizabeth
Yes please
Well you have to do something for me
Anything at all
Absolutely anything you can’t change your mind
I promise I’ll do anything
Okay meet me at Macer’s at 10
Yes I will