Straight student’s glory hole-1

I noticed that he kept his folder, complete with hidden magazine, under his arm as he left the room. The rest of the class turned right, towards the canteen, but Jakob turned left. This, I decided, was going to be the day I discovered where he went. I followed at a reasonable distance, my eyes fixed firmly on the small rounds of his arse. My own cock was still recovering from the unexpected turn on before, the front of my briefs was slightly damp and my own balls felt swollen.

Once I found out where he went I was going to find a cubicle somewhere and jack off while the images of him were still fresh in my mind.
At the end of the corridor he turned left again and climbed the stairs. Other students were coming down in hoards, making their way to lunch before all the tables were taken, but Jakob ignored them. He knew where he was going and nothing was getting in his way. He climbed two floors to the library and went in. Maybe he was just an avid reader? Maybe he took his porn to the quiet recesses of the library to jack off under the table?