Straight student’s glory hole-1

Our second term started in the spring and by this time some of the class had dropped out. There were only twelve of us but I was pleased to see that Jakob had returned. The first week back I tried to make conversation with him and made sure I moved from my usual desk to the one beside him so that I would have more opportunities to talk to him. From this new position I could also glance at him more often. But he remained quiet and secretive and we got no further than hello and good bye.

During one lecture, a particularly boring one about health and safety regulations, I noticed that he had something hidden in his folder. He had the folder standing up on the desk in front of him so that the lecturer could not see that he was thumbing through the magazine that was hidden inside. From my place next to him I could quite clearly see that it was a magazine full of hard-core pictures of guys and women getting down to some heavy sex. As he turned the pages he looked up, as if he was listening to the lecture, and then would pretend to write something down. He was actually just doodling, but he was giving the appearance of being an attentive student.