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Mind bondage-2

Hector smiled at me anyway, and I felt a rush of a different kind of warmth. I firmly attributed it to the gulp of tea and paid attention to Hector’s lecture. He was talking about different reasons that we learn how not to sleep and the various things in our modern culture that contribute to insomnia.

I listened to his words, but I was also preoccupied with how awake I felt. It had been a long time since I had felt anything but tired. Now, my mind was calm and alert; my body felt relaxed but also ready. Hector’s words made sense to me, and I could see the other women nodding as well. We were all interested; we all agreed.

There were no clocks, and, per the instructions, I wasn’t wearing my watch. I had no idea how much time was passing. At one point Hector invited us to go get some food, and to continue to do so as the we felt the need. I reveled in how delicious the strawberries tasted. They were perfectly ripe, sweet and juicy. Practically orgasmic.

Where had that thought come from?

Hector began to ask us questions. What did we think about when we tried to sleep? When had our insomnia started? He skipped randomly through the group, not letting anyone talk for longer than it took to answer his question. I found myself revealing that I hadn’t had sex for months. No answer was lingered on, we simply spoke and then he asked another question.