Porny Story

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Light bondage threesome-1

The twenty feet from my car to the front door of the apartment house felt like a mile. The wind-chill was around thirty degrees below zero, and freezing rain and sleet pelted us every inch of the way. When I got inside the building, and the lights were out, I started to really worry.

“Electricity is out… great,” I muttered. Tracy’s eyes went wide.

“What are we going to do? Isn’t this place all electric?”

“Including the heat,” I said, finishing her thought. “Quick, let’s get in the apartment.”

I was about halfway down the hall, and my fingers were so numb that I almost couldn’t work the key in the lock. The three of us practically fell into the apartment. As we’d feared, the heat was off, and the chill air inside the apartment was only marginally better than the air outside the building. At least it wasn’t blowing on us.

“S…s…so cold…” said Lorelle. Her thick glasses were frosted over, ice forming on them, as were Tracy’s. The three of us were soaked through with freezing water, and parts of me were going numb that I prefer to feel all the time.

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