Porny Story

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Light bondage threesome-1

The three of us were soaked through to our skin when we got into the car. I started it up and blasted the heater, but there was only so much warming it could do. Both girls were starting to shiver, their teeth chattering, as I started navigating the hazardous streets.

The streets were full of people making a mad dash for their homes, or for the nearest shelter. This particular winter storm was on its way into the record books, and we had a few close calls. The girls didn’t notice, I don’t think. They were too cold, bundling up in their wet clothes as best they could. Ice was forming on the outside of our coats, even in the heated car. If we didn’t make it to my place, we were in considerable trouble.

It took half an hour to make the five-minute drive. I pulled into my parking place, barely able to force the car into the foot-deep snow there, and took a deep breath.

“Fuck, it’s going to be cold out there,” I said. Tracy nodded, and Lorelle actually sobbed a little. She wasn’t good in stress situations, I’d noticed. I grabbed her frigid hand and gave it a little squeeze. “We’ll be inside in a minute… come on, ok?” She smiled a little bit, and nodded.