Porny Story

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Light bondage threesome-1

She hesitated for a moment, and looked over to the passenger seat. I hadn’t noticed that there was someone else there, with all the ice forming on the windshield. I bent down to see that her friend Lorelle was sitting with her. Inwardly, I winced… Lorelle was a nice enough girl, but she talked too damn much. That, and she was the kind of girl that would sit around for hours while a couple kept hinting that they’d like some “alone time,” just not getting that she was cock-blocking people.

Thoughts of nostalgia sex fluttering away in the breeze, I smiled at Lorelle. “Was Tracy going to give you a lift home?” I asked her.

“We were carpooling, today,” nodded Lorelle. I think she lived out by Tracy’s, out in the boonies. “Do you really think it’s going to get that bad?”

Mother nature never could resist a good cue. The sky opened up and dumped freezing rain in buckets on me, and the girls just about screamed.

“COME ON!” I yelled, running for my car. The girls didn’t hesitate this time. They grabbed their stuff and jumped out of the non-functional car, and ran after me. It was a good thing that I’d cleaned out my little car that morning. I was really hoping we wouldn’t have to use my emergency kit. I didn’t relish being stuck in my compact for a day or more.