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Know how one month of separation from son turned into sex

“How can you say that to your mother?” I protested. He responded, “Imagine if I said this to a girl, she would be flattered, maybe even agree to spend the night with me and then ask me to marry her and leave her mother behind. What do you think?”

His words frightened me. My only support was my son, and if he truly felt this way, what would become of me? I felt like I would die. “Shame on you,” I said, “You talk about such things without any shame! Your mother risked her life for you!” I hugged him tightly, but now my mind had changed. I wanted to keep my son close, even if it meant sacrificing everything else.

He held me closer and kissed my neck. His intentions were not pure. He pressed his lips against mine, and I lowered my head. He lifted my face and kissed me again, gently at first, then more passionately. His desire grew stronger as he sucked on my lips, his hands exploring my body.

I pulled away, turning to the side. He grabbed me from behind, placing his hands on my breasts and biting my neck. My vagina pressed against his erect penis. I turned again, meeting his gaze and kissing him back.