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Know how one month of separation from son turned into sex

## The Month of Separation Turned Into a Month of Intimacy

My name is Urmila. I am a young mother, 38 years old. My marriage happened early, and so did my child. After my husband’s death, my son became my only solace. We live in a grand mansion, full of grandeur. I ensured my son received the best education by keeping him close to me. After his twelfth grade, he had to move to another city for college. I never felt truly alone until now. A month without him feels like an eternity. The vast mansion is empty except for the gardener and a servant who leaves in the evening.

Yesterday was a day I’ll never forget. My son didn’t tell me he was coming. I thought he would arrive around Diwali, but his college gave him a week-long break earlier than expected. He skipped a class and came without informing me. He arrived at around 10 pm due to train delays. I had already finished dinner and was about to lock the gate when I saw him outside. Overwhelmed with joy, I rushed to embrace my son tightly. “You didn’t tell me you were coming,” I exclaimed. “I would have sent a car.” He replied, “Mom, I wanted to surprise you.”