Halloween costume-1

I had over a month till the party and I determined that I would keep growing my nails until then.
After getting all the clothing washed and dried, I carefully hung everything up or folded everything and stored all of it in my closet or dresser drawers. I had “come out” to all my friends and family over three months before this and I had no fears about someone finding women’s clothing in either place. To their credit, every single one of my friends and family had been, not only understanding about my crossdressing quirk, but were actually supportive and they all told me the same thing. “We love you and if this is part of you, then we have to accept it. We don’t necessarily approve of it, but you are our friend/brother/son and we will always care.” This, to me, was a revelation and, to not have to hide anymore was the most wonderful feeling in the world!

Through the Internet, I had also made some VERY good friends in the TG community and I had even begun to write some stories, encouraged by them. The stories had been fairly well received and this was more “ego candy” for my femme side. This Halloween party would be a sort of test for me and my femme side, Cathy. If I could do this well, I thought, I would be another step closer to understanding and dealing with my crossdressing tendencies and why I seemed to need to do it.
I contacted a friend who is a Mary Kay cosmetics representative and made an appointment with her for a makeover, for Halloween morning. I met with her and showed her what I would be wearing and also, the wig I would be using since my own hair is fast running off the back of my head. What I have left is long enough but my forehead has grown in the past few years and there isn’t enough hair left to cover all the balding spots anymore. She looked everything over and seemed to approve of my choices and we began making plans to put everything together so I could be as realistic looking as possible.