Halloween costume-1

Then I tried the shoes and boots and, with the exception of one pair of knee high boots, they fit as well! I was elated since, with these clothes, I had effectively quintupled my “femme” wardrobe and I wasted no time getting everything into the washing machine so they would all be nice and clean, hanging in my closet, waiting for me to find the time, and the courage to wear them.

Among the things I found, was a beautiful, long sleeved, red blouse that felt so silky I thought, at first, that it might be silk! It turned out to be artificial but, none the less, I knew that I was going to wear that blouse for Halloween! I also came up with a below the knee, length, Jeans skirt and a belt with a country look to it that went perfectly with the skirt. I had raided a box of stuff, at the rummage sale, that was marked “FREE”, and had managed to come up with 8 or 9 purses that looked like they had hardly been used at all and, of course, I took them home with me as well.
With all those things, I knew that I was going to do it, this Halloween! I was going to go to work, fully dressed as a woman and I was going to do it with some style! I already had an entire box full of makeup and jewelry and a couple of decent wigs from past Halloweens and my occasional dress up sessions at home so I didn’t have to buy any of that stuff. I had also been growing my fingernails for the last month or so and they were beginning to reach a length where they could be shaped and painted like a real woman’s could.