Fed by the NFL gang-2

“We’ve missed you, Jamal. It’s so nice to see you!”

“Let me introduce you to my friends.” He led us into the condo where we were met by four enormous ebony hunks. I thought I recognized them from the NFL, but wasn’t sure because they looked so different dressed in slacks and sport shirts.

“This is Python,” he said pointing to a grinning young black man towering over Eve and me. “It’s his nickname, if you don’t mind. We want to protect our privacy here.”

Python held out his hand and Eve lifted hers to meet it. Her tiny hand disappeared in his big paw. When he shook my hand, it felt like a padded bear trap. If he had a cock to match, it would be a doozy.

“Nice to meet you folks,” he said. “I’m sure looking forward to getting to know you better.” His eyes rolled over Eve’s dainty figure. “You’re sure a little lady, hardly up to my arm. Jamal’s told me about you two, and I can’t believe how nice it is to see you.”

Next Jamal introduced a mammoth of a man, not as tall as Python, but much heavier, maybe 300 pounds of muscle. His eyes were shining as we walked up to him.

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