Fed by the NFL gang-1

“Darling, do you remember Jamal?”

Of course I remembered him. He introduced us to married sex with a black man a few months after we were married.

“What about Jamal?”

“He called to ask whether we might spend next weekend together at a resort in the mountains.”

“That sounds like fun. What do you think? Can you get away?

Eve worked as a fashion consultant and buyer for a large retail chain. The hours were long and it had been a while since she had time off.

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“We haven’t seen Jamal in months and I’d love to have a whole weekend together. I think I could get away. Darling, we haven’t had a break for ever so long. It would be our special treat. Oh, and he said he would be with a few friends from his work. They plan to get in some hunting.”

Jamal had been a college chum of Eve’s. Soon after graduating he married and became a fitness trainer for an NFL team. The team visited our area a couple of times a year and we almost always got together.

“What kind of friends?”

“He didn’t say, but I think he must have meant friends from work. Why don’t you call him and find out more?”