Ex-Girlfriend To Fuck Buddies-1

She went to the toilet and can back in 3mins. When she came back she had loosened her hair and went to secure the door locks. I thought she was up to something. So I immediately went to the bathroom and took a shower preparing myself for I knew now what might happen between Sheryl n me next. She was wearing a red checked shirt, tucked into her jeans. She was looking like a bomb in that dress. The shirt was little long but fit perfectly on her body revealing her slim body and melons the right way.

We had a drink each and now she was relaxing on my body again holding my right arm. She was now showing her tiredness. I saw her face and first planted a small kiss on her head, she did not say anything. After sometime, I lifted her head and planted a kiss on her forehead and she looked shocked at me. I was confused. I asked her what was wrong in that and told her it was obvious why we were here under one roof having a drink and looking at spending the night together.

She moved away from me and said she was not looking at anything more than spending some good time with me. I said ok. After sometime, I took off my shirt and sat beside her as I was feeling uncomfortable with my shirt on. Earlier, when we were going around, whenever I removed my shirt she would move her hand on my chest and feel me. I remembered this and took her hand and placed it on my chest. She got up to say something I kept my hand on her mouth and said – Let go yourself.