Ex-Girlfriend To Fuck Buddies-1

We called& informed the resort that we are heading to that place and we will be late due to traffic. We finally reached the place, a resort in south Mangalore. But, we did not get any of the facilities that we expected from the resort. We checked in as couples, engaged to be married soon. We had a couple of drinks in the verandah, with some snacks, there was moon in the sky and cool breeze was blowing.

We liked the place and preferred to sit there for some time. She was now getting cozy with me and sat close to me on the sofa holding my right hand and leaning on my shoulder with her legs up on the sofa. I was surprised as I had not expected that she would make any move so fast. But I soon realized that she was not really happy after the break up. We started talking about the days we spent together & she was listening to me quietly responding with just hmm, smiles, pinching me lightly. She started feeling cold and said she wanted to sit inside. I closed the verandah door and sat on the small sofa that was beside the bed.