Dentist appointment

I was due for a cleaning. I have always taken really great care of my teeth. After all a beautiful smile makes the world go round,right? Anyway, I went to a new dentist that was recomended to me by a friend. My dentist retired a couple of months earlier. I got the address and went on my way.

I stepped inside this really huge and beautiful office. There were pictures of flowers and beautiful women with gorgeous smiles all over the walls. I happen to be looking at them when i noticed a bondage picture. A woman was sitting in an odd chair with her breasts hanging out and something in her mouth to hold it open. I thought it was odd having a picture like that up in a dentist office, but figured it was not a place that saw children.

I spoke with the receptionist and signed some papers saying I gave consent for them to so whatever needed to be done and there could be no lawsuits filed if i didnt like something after it was discussed and done. Strange that lawsuit was listed in the papers,but i signed anyway. What could go wrong with a little cleaning?