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Daddy’s Little Girl (Chapter 1)

Eric had on a thick black leather jacket with a blue button-up shirt underneath, along with dark blue denim jeans secured with a black studded belt. And black tap shoes. His brown hair was comed and full of volume, and his beard had just been shaved, but now stubble.

“What’s wrong?” Eric asked concerned about the look on his daughter’s face. Suddenly, he thought that he had made a big mistake.

“Dad, uh, uh, look..” Melinda stuttered trying to tell him how great he looked.

“I’ll change,” Eric said, turning to go back upstairs fearing that he had gone too far in trying to look young and “hot”.

“No! You look handsome,” Melinda blurted out.

Eric turned back around smiling. “Why thank you sweet pea, I thought you were upset with what I was wearing.”

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“Wow, dad, I hope some of my friends see me with you. God, they will be so jealous!”

Eric felt his heart swell with pride and love. “Well, let’s go make them jealous. For tonight, why don’t you call me Eric,” he said with a smile.

“Okay da….uh, Eric,” Melinda answered, smiling nervously. “Eric,” she said again to herself, loving the way his name rolled off her tongue.