Boss lady-3
“Absolutely, Ma’am! It makes sense. I’m sorry I didn’t think. I’m afraid all this has excited me, and I guess I could be trying too hard.”
“Look Tim. I think I know what you need, and you could be getting your worthless heart’s desire here. I mean, there’s potential. But you need to show me you can control your emotions. They have no place here. Not to where you aren’t serving me properly. Now, have you got that?”
“I do! I do have it. Thank you. Thank you!” I said, feeling the sincere wish to please this woman run through every cell in my body.
“Do you know why I slapped you, Tim? And why I will continue to do so? What do you think?”
“To help me?” I proffered quietly.
“Yes. To help you and to get you going in the right direction. You’re going to be trained, Tim. And that will include a face-slapping as needed. Today, for instance, your mistake was a serious one. Normally, it would be a job for my belt.”
“Oh.” I said as the delicious vision of Jenna giving me a good lacing with her belt presented itself. Yes! Treat me like a scurvy, beaten-down mutt. I do so like to be reminded of who the boss is!