Boss lady-1

It wasn’t the first time I’d stood up to a woman and been knocked onto my ass. All I could think of at the time was that here was a pushy bitch riding roughshod on my plans; plans with much time and effort invested in them. She had come sashaying into my office while I was planning the day’s schedule with my assistant, Bernice.

“Tim, I won’t beat around the bush.” she said. “I’ve had doubts about your strategy with the Demerest account all along. I’ve just talked to Grant, and he agrees that we should rethink it all. I wanted to tell you myself.”

I stared aghast at her as she stood there surveying the room; looking at it as though she were redecorating it in her mind.

“Bernice, will you excuse us, please.” I said icily.

‘The fucking nerve of her!’, I thought, waiting for the door to close.

“You went over my head.” I began, my fists clenched on the top of my desk. “I thought we were working as a team – all of us. I thought this was a team effort!”

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Jenna sighed and cocked her head to one side.