An old black man around the corner-1

“I think I had better go,” Sandy said. “Why don’t you stay a little longer girl,” the black man countered. “No, I need to go home and do some chores. As Sandy got up from the swing, she lost her balance and fell back…this time sitting on his lap.

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry, really I am,” Sandy said as she pushed herself up again. “That’s okay miss, don’t worry about it,” the black man smiled and replied. Sandy left the porch and hurried home. She did know one thing. That her young buttock cheeks felt something big and hard in the old man’ pants.

Sandy spent the weekend cleaning up the house and washing clothes. Although busy, she could not help but to think about her falling onto that old man’s lap and feeling his erection. She hoped that he didn’t think it was on purpose. Still, she had a tingling feeling about it and even more curiosity.