A question caught me by surprise-4

“Jack, I know. Trust me, I’ve had plenty of time to imagine a
ridiculous number of nightmare scenarios, some of which involve actual
torches and pitchforks.” Jennifer explained.

“I always thought it’d be more like ‘Law and Order: SVU’ and less like
‘Frankenstein.'” I replied thoughtfully.

“Wouldn’t stop our parents. They’d kill us.”

“They’d kill me. You’d have to live at home and go to bible college,” I

“Somehow I don’t think the ‘daddy’s girl’ card is going to get me a
lighter sentence,” my sister laughed.

“You call that light? I think I’d prefer the sweet release of death.
You know they believe dinosaurs are a liberal conspiracy and that gay
marriage causes hurricanes, right?”

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“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“So what’s the plan?” I asked.

“Well, for starters I should probably avoid jumping your bones at frat
parties,” Jennifer joked.

“I don’t know, it worked out pretty well last time,” I teased.

Jennifer laughed. “I’m not saying we can’t be affectionate. We’ve
always been pretty physical. I think it’d be more suspicious if we were to
stop all of the sudden. We just need to keep the PDA within reason.”