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A latex girl thing

Rusty crashed hard through the door, knocking it open, nearly knocking him out as he stumbled into the bondage construct. He saw Slave coming and frantically charged at her, grabbing her in a bear hug, lifting her off the ground. They hit the opposite door jam and bounced.

Rusty had Slave, but she was flattened against him as if she was nothing more than an empty latex cat suit. He hesitated as she chuckled at him. He whimpered out, “What the fuck are you?”

“Eine Gummimädchensache!” She laughed, repeating the phrase on the oil drum – from where she had actually oozed from a long time ago – that was just feet away in the next room.

She laughed a little more, and then suddenly her arms and legs seemingly wrapped around his body, around his arms and part of his legs, in a flood of black liquid. It solidified, went from latex to rubber.

Rusty fell as the rubber kicked his legs out from under him. He landed hard, but he was too terrified to be knocked out. He kicked, but that was all he could do; it was no use.