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A latex girl thing

Rusty took it from her and studied it, and as he did he had thoughts. It was an insane thing drain plug gags, or better known as Asian bondage masks on some Japanese websites; people really couldn’t make up their mind really what to call them, even if drain plug gag fit this one best based on its design. This drain plug gag was very well made; it had thick leather, studded, with many straps that could be adjusted including the strap over the head and the strap under the chin. The stopper was thick and typical, protruding deep past the chrome opening when worn, and it was hooked to a stopper chain that hooked to a bottom rivet. The opening itself – perhaps the reason why not many women wanted to wear them – was large; at the very least it could accommodate Rusty’s package.

Rusty removed Slave’s ball gag and dropped it on the floor. Slave had put her hands behind her back again, but there was no point of telling her to stop moving; she was shaking in excitement. Once he untangled it, Rusty shoved the drain in her mouth, pushing it hard against her teeth. He tightened the two main belts around her head before moving to the head strap and chin strap. He kept re-tightening after each check to see if it fit to keep poor Slave in suspense.