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A big dick in space

The captain managed both speeds with expert precision, understanding any misstep could result in a deadly case of whiplash for the life form inside. She didn’t waste time wondering whether it in fact had a neck to be broken or not. She tracked and controlled the small pod manually with a multi-directional handle, careful to avoid any false moves.

The relieved captain let out a deep breath as the pod finally halted; the mechanical cables starting to pull it back to her ship. “That was close. Thought it was all over for a minute there,” she let out another heavy breath.

“I detected no threat, Captain,” Kassy stated.

“That’s not what I meant,” the captain replied.

“It is of no consequence. I’ve already checked the pod’s schematics – it contains no usable materials. We have yet to find a solution,” she declared.

“Now don’t go bringing that up. Not now,” the captain warned. “It does matter. A lot, actually. That’s the difference between you, a faceless, cockless, machine… and me, a living, breathing, exceptionally well-hung being.”

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