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As the pod got closer to her ship, the captain’s instruments could now detect one life form inside.

“I’ve completed cross-referencing the object’s specifications with my system and identified its origin,” Kassy intoned. “The unidentified flying object is an escape pod.” No duh, the captain thought. “It originates from a twenty-engine interior planet spacecraft,” the voice added.

“It’s off an interior planet rig, huh. Strange.”

“The object will be within range in two minutes,” Kassy informed her.

The captain waited with bated breath. A minute passed before she looked quizzically at her readouts for any new notifications. “It’s almost within range. Why hasn’t the pod attempted contact yet?” she asked Kassy.

“I have no new information.”

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“Well, you’re a lot of help,” the captain shook her head. She turned the magnification down on her digital display as the peculiar object finally came into unenhanced view. “Why hasn’t it latched on? It’s going to pass us right by…”

“I have no new information.”

“I wasn’t asking you,” the captain retorted. She watched the helpless pod hurdle through space with a cocked head when it dawned on her, “It can’t. It can’t latch on!”