Porny Story

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Light bondage threesome-1

I had finished up my classes for the day at my Junior College when it started to snow, hard. This was going to be an epic storm, like so many in the Midwest. It was coming down in big, wet sleet and freezing rain, and I was glad as hell that my new apartment was only a few blocks from the school.

As I ran for my car, I saw my ex-girlfriend Tracy struggling with her own transportation. Her car had never run that well, and in the cold weather, it had apparently given up the ghost. I couldn’t just leave her there — her home was a good twenty miles away, down some nasty county roads. She was never going to make it in her old Ford. Besides, we’d parted amicably enough, maybe this was a chance for a little nostalgia sex.

Putting my book bag over my head for protection, I ran over to her car and tapped on the window. She actually smiled when she looked up at me, and rolled the window down.

“You know you’ll never make it before the roads ice over,” I said. “Come on… we can take my car to my place and wait this thing out, ok?”