Waiter used my newly wed dusky wife

Suddenly, one of them said something in her ear and patted her ass!

How dare he!

I was filled with rage. I wanted to bash his head and kill him. But I wanted to see how Sharon responded.

To my surprise, she smiled and said something in return. Both the waiters smiled and exchanged looks.

In few minutes, Sharon got up and followed the waiter, the one who brought our food, behind the counter through a door, marked “Storage room”.

She was upto something nasty.

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I got up and walked past the waiter on the counter, towards the door. He looked at me but didn’t say anything.

The door opened in a alley. It had several rooms. I heard muffled voices from one of them.

I walked towards the door and opened it. It was dimly lit. I can see liqour bottles, racked in big boxes, placed neatly on shelves aligned side by side, leaving space to walk in between them. I heard Sharon say something in joy from the farthest corner of the room.

I managed to give myself a good viewing from by climbing on a side-shelf which had empty wooden boxes. I can see Sharon and the waiter clearly from there.