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Teenage Sex

Tuition class slowly turned into a sex class

Our lessons started, and as she wrote, her t-shirt would ride up slightly, revealing a glimpse of her bra strap. My heart raced every time she smiled. That night, I couldn’t sleep thinking about her. I decided I had to sleep with Radhika. I started subtly flirting with her, making small talk, knowing that we were alone in the room. Her mother was usually either in the kitchen, bathroom, or glued to a soap opera.

One day, I slipped an adult XXX English hardcore movie into one of her books. The cover featured a very suggestive scene. The next day, when she came to pick up the book, I pretended to be teaching from that chapter. As she opened it, she saw the DVD and was shocked. Before she could say anything, I asked what it was. She stammered, saying she didn’t know who put it there.

I threatened her, saying if her parents found out, her life would be ruined. She pleaded with me not to tell anyone. Then, she confessed that she had seen a similar movie on her aunt’s phone during the summer holidays. I reassured her that I wouldn’t tell anyone and asked her more about it. She told me how her aunt had made her touch herself and even inserted her finger into her vagina, causing pain and bleeding.