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Teenage Sex

Tuition class slowly turned into a sex class

Dear Porny Story Dot Com Friends, today I’m sharing the story of a very hot girl. She was incredibly beautiful, and I had an amazing time sleeping with her. You won’t believe how pink her insides were, with tiny little hairs all over her body. Her lips were so pink, it was like she’d eaten strawberries! I’ve slept with many women before, but this was the most incredible day of my life. I thought to myself, why not share these memories with you all so you can enjoy them too?

My name is Sanjeev, and everyone calls me Sanjeev Sir. I teach private tuition at home because it gives me opportunities to flirt with the students’ mothers, aunts, and even their sisters! And if I get a beautiful girl as a student, well, that’s just icing on the cake. Let me tell you about my latest conquest – Radhika.

Radhika is 19 years old and stunningly beautiful. I had taught her before, when she was a little thinner with smaller breasts. But after college, her mother called me asking if I could help her again. I pretended to be busy but eventually agreed. When I went to her house on Monday, I was blown away by how much she’d blossomed. She looked so mature and sexy. I was completely captivated by her beauty.