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Brother Sister SexIncest Stories

 The Thirst of Desire: Brother Satisfies Sister’s Craving

One night, around midnight, I felt a sense of anticipation. My brother was late, as he often was, spending time with his friend whose wife he had an affair with. I was engrossed in watching a low-budget film called “Kamseen Jawani” when I decided to indulge in my usual routine.

I removed my clothes, caressing myself and inserting my fingers into my vagina. My eyes were closed as I moaned and gasped, reaching a peak of pleasure. My body was slick with lubrication, lost in the moment. I bit my lips, savoring the sensation. The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows.

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me. Opening my eyes, I saw my brother standing there, his gaze fixed on me. He was drunk, his eyes bloodshot. Panic surged through me as I instinctively pulled the sheet over myself, trying to conceal my nakedness.

My brother pulled the blanket away, his eyes roving over my naked body. He moved closer, so close that his lips were almost touching mine. The smell of alcohol hung heavy in the air. “This isn’t right,” I whispered, but he ignored me. “I’ve been watching your longing for fifteen minutes,” he said, his voice husky. “Now, let me quench it.”