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Brother Sister SexIncest Stories

 The Thirst of Desire: Brother Satisfies Sister’s Craving

Moving to Delhi exposed me to a different world. Watching couples kissing and intimate scenes on television ignited a fire within me. My longing grew stronger day by day, and I began to indulge in self-pleasure. Watching Imran Hashmi on screen made me wish for someone to kiss and touch me the way he did. To be honest, I became desperate for sexual gratification.

At night, while pretending to sleep, I would caress my own genitals, seeking solace in the warmth of my own body. When the heat intensified and fluids flowed, I would lick my fingers, intoxicated by the salty taste.

My desire grew stronger with each passing day. The self-gratification was not enough anymore. Then, my sister-in-law became pregnant, and the doctor advised them to abstain from sexual intercourse for a while. This news reached me, and soon after, my sister-in-law went back to her parents’ place to await the birth of their child.

Now, my brother would return home late at night, often intoxicated. He frequently ate out with his friends, leaving me alone in the house. I would spend my evenings watching television, then shed my clothes and indulge in self-pleasure. Gradually, I learned to insert my fingers into my vagina, finding immense pleasure in the sensation. This became a nightly ritual, fueling my desire even further. My breaths quickened, my heart pounded, but the yearning remained unsatisfied. I desperately craved a real man’s touch, but fear held me back. Sometimes, the thought of seducing my brother crossed my mind.